Swypeout Battle Racing Wiki

The unofficial wiki for the online battle racing game!

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How to Play Swypeout

Welcome to Swypeout Battle Racing!

Swypeout Battle Racing is an online, multiplayer world where kids from around the globe can compete against one another in a series of challenging races.

Swypeout features a series of collectible cards that are swiped through a USB scanner and are converted into online components such as cars, attacks, defenses, and other special items.

Players can customize their cars in their own garage with a variety of cool add-ons and enter their creation into battle races on fantasy tracks themed around dynamic environments like an ultra-modern city, frozen tundra, scorching desert, and a live volcano.

Installing the game

Downloading the game using a web browser

Visit the Download page to download and install the latest version of Swypeout Battle Racing!

Installing Swypetech Scanner

Note: In my experience I have not got the scanner to be detected by the game. Plug the USB connector on the Swypetech scanner into an available USB port on your PC. When the scanner is connected properly the light will flash several times and then stay steady to indicate the unit is powered on.

Installing the game from a Starter Kit CD

Note: this method currently does not work for now.

  1. Insert the Swypeout CD into your CD/DVD drive in your PC.
  2. A Swypeout screen should appear. (If it doesn't, go to My Computer and click the Swypeout icon)
  3. Click the “Install” button.
  4. A web browser will open with the account registration page. Register an account to play the game while the installation proceeds.
  5. An account is required to play Swypeout. If you choose not to register during installation, you may close the web browser. Click the “CREATE ACCOUNT” button at the login screen when you launch the game.
howtoplay.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/29 10:44 by swypeout