Swypeout Battle Racing Wiki

The unofficial wiki for the online battle racing game!

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Useful development and reverse engineering notes

Swypeout uses an old version of the Torque3D game engine. No idea what version exactly other than it was from around 2007.

Accessing the console

Pass the following arguments to Swypeout.exe: -console -dbgEnable -log -ld

You can create a shortcut pointing to the executable and then add these flags to the end of the target field.

Useful commands

Make Trial Check always return 0

Before you bought a Swypetech Scanner as part of the Starter Kit and plugged it in, your Swypeout account is marked as a Trial account. Running the following command tells the client you are not using a Trial account. This disables the game giving you the “Spin Master” and “Stink Bomb” battle cards, and opens up the available card slots from two to five.

function isTrialAccount() { return 0; }

Access Mission Selection GUI

This can be used to access each of the race tracks as well as lessons. We can use this to get past the sign-in screen.


developers.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/29 10:50 by swypeout